Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Impressive First Posts

It's just the first post from each class and it's already raising my eyebrows quite a number of times. If you people continue to improve as the module progresses, I might have chronic eyebrow cramp at the end of the module. Not to highlight some posts which really caught the eye.

For all classes, please do take a look at Jh403's blog cause the comments are awesome I'm quite glad how some of you actually went to do some research to find answers to the questions posted in class. See, now you guys know the difference between temperature and heat. They are two very different concepts actually. One measures the kinetic energy of the molecule while the other is the measurement of heat - energy.

If it's difficult to wrap your mind around it, imagine what would happen if one molecule of super heated water vapour came into contact with you. Chances are, you probably won't feel a thing cause the amount of heat energy transferred to your skin isn't enough for your nerves to register anything.

For classes 401, 402 and 403, I'm probably not going to do anything on ozone cause Dao Thuy An of 406 did a really nice rendition of it with chemical equations and all. Even includes specific UV rays that ozone protects us from.

Finally, to leave the best for last, please take a look at the post by Audie as she talks about trying to learn how to understand. Feel free to leave comments on her blog even though she might not be from your class. The blogmasters will simply update one another about the posts you've left. I will definitely write some of my thoughts on Audie's post right here. But thought I'd let you contribute a little on your thoughts as well and give me a little time to clean up the thoughts in my head.

Just some minor blog admin matters. The music is fine though some of the tunes sound like the perfect audio torture for interrogation purposes.

Hero is caught and is tied up to a chair with an overhanging light swinging in the wind. Mr. Evil gets really close to Hero's face.

Mr. Evil:
Tell me where have you hidden the Sacred Rock!
Hero: Do whatever you want, you'll never get it from me! (spits at Mr. Evil's face)
Mr. Evil (wiping the spit): Men, give him the tune.
Hero (with perplexed horror): The tune... What tune?

High School Musical plays in the background with Hero screaming for mercy.
Two hours later...

Mr. Evil: Ready to talk?
Hero (Sweating and panting heavily): Never!
Mr Evil: Looks like he's a tougher than I thought.
Men! (Gestures with his right hand) The second tune!
Hero: No I'll talk! I'll talk!
Mr. Evil: Too late Hero, you didn't when you had the chance. Now you will learn the extent of my powers! Muahahahahaha....

Hello Kitty plays in the background with Hero screaming and kicking in his chair.

Two hours later, we see Hero lying on the ground with blood coming out of his ears.

But seriously, you got to start your day with Hello Kitty, mug with High School Musical and end it off with Fly Me To The Moon.

By the way, if you ever see anyone from JH402, mind giving them a budge and ask them about posting something? I'm not too familiar with blogs but I can't seem to find where the comments are or if it's even possible to make comments to the posts. Don't forget to include those stuff.

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